The National Education for Tribal Students (NESTS), New Delhi organized a Post Budget Webinar Series on Teachers for Ekalvya Model Residential Schools – EMRS on 27th February 2023. The Welcome Address was delivered by Hon’ble Prime Minister of India Shri. Narendra Modi. The multi-layered session included various themes focusing on various prospects and challenges associated with educating the tribal youth.
The fourth session which revolved around the theme – Reaching the Last Mile Lead and Co-Lead – Ministry of Rural Development, M/O SJE & M/TA and the event was also graced by the Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi. The topic was “Teachers for Eklavya Model Residential Schools” and the concering ministries concerned were Ministry of Tribal Affairs and Ministry of Education. The session was moderated by Sh. Asit Gopal, Commissioner, National Education Society for Tribal Students and the Co-moderator of the session Smt. Nidhi Chhibber, Chairperson, CBSE. The session had embraced 12 panel topics and experts, representing KISS Deemed to be University, one of the subject experts was Dr. Snigdharani Panda, Associate Professor and Dean, School of Tribal Resource Management, KISS Deemed to be University. Dr. Panda presented on the topic – “Recruitment Challenges for Remote Locations”. The presentation highlighted the staff recruitment process for EMRS, and a major component of the presentation was the grants provided in the Union Budget 2023-24 for the development of EMRSs. She spoke about the strategic mechanism regarding the implementation plan. Further, a phase wise staff recruitment plan as well as recruitment timeline was also projected during the discussion. Dr. Panda concluded her session by underlining the challenges which may come across during the implementation process.
Stimulating discussions like these hold lot of relevance for KISS-DU as it is a tribal university which is working for educating the tribal youth and has been protecting, promoting and preserving indigenous culture, knowledge system and heritage.