KISS DU is recognised as much for its illustrious sporting tradition as it is for its excellence in education, learning and research. Over the past few years, the vibrant sports scene provided at KISS DU, has consistently made it home to some of India’s elite sportspersons, who proudly represent their country at various national and international events such as Asian Games and the Olympics. With an impressive range of 24 different sports, the KISS DU, in partnership with its sister concern KIIT University, is one of the countries leading centres for student sport.

KISS DU is committed to developing sport within the University and across Odisha, and thus sports are supported by our world-class facilities. Many of these facilities are spread out across our two campuses, in addition to shared facilities at our sister concern KIIT University. Sport programs give our students the opportunity to participate in sports in an organised, competitive environment, which teaches them to build community, develop interpersonal skills, socialise with others, and stay healthy.

Sports Offered

Archery Athletics Australian Rules Football Badminton Baseball Basketball
Bodybuilding Boxing Chess Cricket Cycling Football
Handball Hockey Judo Kabaddi Kho-Kho Kick-Boxing
Lawn Tennis Powerlifting Rugby Sepak Takraw Soft Tennis Softball
Swimming Table Tennis Volleyball Weightlifting Yoga