The Youth Red Cross Unit of KISS-DU organized an Induction Programme for its volunteers on 29th July 2022. The YRC Unit has been enhancing the leadership quality, inculcating social responsibilities, and infusing the seven principles of the Red Cross since its inception in 2009. The YRC Volunteers have proved their caliber by participating in various activities like national and international study-cum training camps, state-level parade, blood donation, road safety, first-aid training camps and umpteen number of awareness programmes.
The aim of the programme was to rekindle the spirit of volunteerism and apprise on roles and responsibilities of volunteers. Dr. Sasmita Pattanaik, District YRC Convenor, Cuttack and Mr. Laxman Swain, Junior Red Cross Officer, State Branch-cum-Master Trainer First Aid and Disaster Management were invited as the resource persons. Over 90 student-volunteers (both UG and PG) attended the session. The meeting was inaugurated by Professor Deepak Kumar Behera, Vice-Chancellor, KISS-DU in the presence of Dr. Sujata Acharya, Principal, both the Vice-Principals: Dr. Chittaranjan Bhoi and Dr. Tripura Mishra. Invited Resource Persons, YRC Counsellors, Programme Officers from NSS and Rovers and Rangers Units of KISS-DU graced the occasion.
The meeting was co-ordinated by the volunteers under the guidance and active leadership of the YRC-in-charge (the counselor). The two resource persons spoke on the history of the Red Cross, its aims and objectives and the significance of various activities like blood donation, first aid, disaster management, road safety and leadership. The Programme provided a platform for the volunteers to sharpen their leadership and organizing skills.
Ms. Bedamati Pattnaik, YRC Counsellor, KISS-DU proposed a vote of thanks on the occasion.