Under the Soft Skills Training Programme Series, KISS-DU organized a session on Interview Etiquette for KISS-DU students on 7 January 2019. Professor Priyadarshi Biswal, Career Advisory and Augmentation Services (CAAS), KIIT-DU, addressed the students on the theme.
Professor Priyadarshi threw light on the code of conduct for interviews. He spoke about public behaviour leading to respect and appreciation from others. Speaking about the essentials of behaving in a socially acceptable manner, he said that an interview is an interaction or formal conversation between an employer and a potential employee where the employer tries to see whether or not the interviewee fits in the job profile. Confident, calm and composed, reaching in
time, body language, attire, eye contact and honesty are critical to any interview, concluded Professor Biswal.
A question followed the session, and an answer was given to the students. The Vote of Thanks was proposed by Dr. Rasmita Tripathy, Associate Dean, School of
Comparative Tribal Languages and Literatures, KISS-DU.