In a continued effort to infuse professional ethics, code of conduct, human rights, values, institutional policies and opportunities, KISS-DU had organized an awareness programme on 3rd April 2018 both for teaching and non-teaching staff. It is conducted on an annual basis from time to time. The objective is to upgrade and update the knowledge, skills and attitude. Dr. Snigdharani Panda, Chairperson Council of Deans, KISS-DU delivered a session on the above-mentioned topic. The first half was for faculty members and in the second half for non-teaching staff.
The resource person highlighted that being professional means to adopt demeanour expected from employees. They should be able to balance work and home in such a manner that the mental health is sound, added the resource person. Empathy, community service, compassion and volunteering should be built. The session concluded with discussion on key topics like society, citizenship and participating in community activities.
The session concluded with a Vote of Thanks to the esteemed speaker and the organizers.