About the School

The School of Indigenous Knowledge, Science and Technology, KISS Deemed to be University, was established in 2017-18 to study Indigenous scientific knowledge and technology developed in a symbiotic relationship with Nature. Indigenous people have innately understood natural resources in our ecosystem, but it has been supine over the years. In the present age of globalization, the tribes who are the custodians of indigenous knowledge and technology in a real sense are far behind in the race for advancement.

Gradual developments of such people in varied facets of life enable them to explore their traditional knowledge for human welfare. As the over-exploitation of natural resources threatens the ecological balance and sustainable livelihood of tribal people, it is imperative to study our time-tested indigenous knowledge and tribal technology with greater vigour.

Hence, an innovative School – the School of Indigenous Knowledge, Science and Technology – has been set up to promote, preserve and protect indigenous knowledge and implement it for sustainable development.

The importance of this School is to disseminate advanced knowledge by providing instructional and research facilities in tribal medicinal systems through phytochemical analysis, geosciences, and their impact on health conditions. The importance of cosmology in their culture, Sutras and sub-sutras of Vedic mathematics, a nutritional component of the food habits of tribes, intellectual property rights to preserve and conserve the biodiversity of indigenous people, and
advancement in technologies relating to the natural resources of the tribal areas and other branches of learning as it may deem fit.

This could be possible by teaching innovative courses in Indigenous Knowledge and Intellectual Property Rights, Tribal Sports, Nutrition and Health Management, Indigenous People and the Science of Gemmology, Indigenous People and the Science of Cosmology and Vedic Mathematics.
The courses examine indigenous knowledge and technology, blending traditional and modern scientific methods from interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches. The School of Indigenous Knowledge, Science and Technology constantly endeavours to improve its academic programme’s knowledge and practice content to match the local, regional, national and international standards.


  • Be an internationally acclaimed School, recognized for excellence in teaching, research, consultancy and outreach; skill development and social entrepreneurship for tribal youth by promoting Indigenous Knowledge Systems.


  • Foster all-around development of students through multi-faceted education.
  • Focus on Indigenous Science and Technology with the help of innovative courses like Indigenous people and the Science of Cosmology, Vedic Mathematics, Indigenous people and the Science of Gemmology, Tribal Sports, Nutrition and Health Management, Indigenous Knowledge, and Intellectual Property Rights.
  • Engage with local, national, and global communities to get ideas about Indigenous Science and Technological applications for contemporary needs and problems and become successful in life.
  • Manage resources self-employment and create employment for others.

KISS Chemistry Lab

A dark room in a Physics Laboratory is a testament to human curiosity and ingenuity. It is a space where the mysteries of the Universe are unravelled with precision, where the secrets of light and matter are exposed.

KISS DU has a “Dark Room” related to the Physics Programme. It is a 20ft X 15 ft. room. It is a well-equipped and suitable room for PG students for optical experiments. The room has dark-coloured cloth covering systems for the light experiments.

Experiments in the Darkroom

  1. Newton’s Ring experiment
  2. Diffraction grating experiment
  3. Prism experiment
  4. Polarimeter experiment

A few more critical experiments will be included in the lab shortly.

The students, research scholars and faculty regularly use these experiments during their Lab activities.


Dr. Yasobanta Das

Associate Professor & Dean, School of Indigenous Knowledge Science and Technology
Dr. Yasobanta Das

Associate Professor & Dean, School of Indigenous Knowledge Science and Technology

Dr. Tanushree Das

Assistant Professor, Chemistry, School of Indigenous Knowledge, Science and Technology
Dr. Tanushree Das

Assistant Professor, Chemistry, School of Indigenous Knowledge, Science and Technology

M. Sc., M. Phil., Ph. D.

Dr. Bikram Keshari Das

Assistant Professor, Chemistry & School of Indigenous Knowledge, Science and Technology
Dr. Bikram Keshari Das

Assistant Professor, Chemistry & School of Indigenous Knowledge, Science and Technology

M. Sc. Ph. D.

Dr. Srinibas Panda

Associate Professor, Physics, School of Indigenous Knowledge, Science and Technology & Controller of Examinations
Dr. Srinibas Panda

Associate Professor, Physics, School of Indigenous Knowledge, Science and Technology & Controller of Examinations

Ph. D.

Dr. Mrutyunjaya Nayak

Assistant Professor, Physics, School of Indigenous Knowledge, Science and Technology
Dr. Mrutyunjaya Nayak

Assistant Professor, Physics, School of Indigenous Knowledge, Science and Technology

M. Sc., Ph. D., MBA (HR)

Mr. Sudipta Dash

Assistant Professor, Physics, School of Indigenous Knowledge, Science and Technology
Mr. Sudipta Dash

Assistant Professor, Physics, School of Indigenous Knowledge, Science and Technology

M. Sc., B. ED., NET

Dr. Susanta Kumar Mohapatra

Assistant Professor, Mathematics, School of Indigenous Knowledge Science and Technology
Dr. Susanta Kumar Mohapatra

Assistant Professor, Mathematics, School of Indigenous Knowledge Science and Technology

M. Sc., B. Ed., Ph. D.

Dr. Pankajini Tripathy

Assistant Professor, Mathematics & School of Indigenous Knowledge, Science and Technology
Dr. Pankajini Tripathy

Assistant Professor, Mathematics & School of Indigenous Knowledge, Science and Technology

Ph. D.

Dr. Mamata Garanayak

Associate Professor, Computer Science, School of Indigenous Knowledge, Science and Technology
Dr. Mamata Garanayak

Associate Professor, Computer Science, School of Indigenous Knowledge, Science and Technology

Mr. Atul Nag

Associate Professor, Computer Science, School of Indigenous Knowledge Science and Technology
Mr. Atul Nag

Associate Professor, Computer Science, School of Indigenous Knowledge Science and Technology

M. Tech. Bioinformatics, B. Tech. Biotechnology