Author | Title of the Book |
Dr. Krupasindhu Nayak |
Dr. Ratnakar Mohapatra | The Lodhas, Published by KISS Deemed University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, 2018, ISBN:978-9388436-03-8 |
Dr. Tusharkanta Pattanaik | The Kutia Kondhas, Published by KISS Deemed University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, 2018, ISBN:978-9388436-02-1 |
Dr. Birendra Suna | Chuktia Bhunjias, Published by KISS Deemed University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, 2018, ISBN:978-9388436-01-4 |
Dr. Manoj K. Behera | Hill Kharias, Published by KISS Deemed University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, 2018, ISBN:978-9388436-06-9 |
Mr. Sarat K Padhihari | The Mankidias, Published by KISS Deemed University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, 2018, ISBN:978-9388436-07-6 |
Ms. Maitree Padhi | The Saoras, Published by KISS Deemed University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, 2018, ISBN:978-9388436-09-0 |
Mr. Manoranjan Mohapatra | The Juangas, Published by KISS Deemed University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, 2018, ISBN:978-9388436-08-3 |
Dr. Pramodini Jena |
Dr. Arpita Mitro | ICTs and Police Towards 21st Century Policing in India, R.Cambray and Co.Pvt Ltd, Kolkata, 2018. |
Author | Title of the Articles |
Dr. Ratnakar Mohapatra | 1. “Uma Mahesvara Images from the Saiva temples of Prachi Valley in Odisha : A Recent Study”, in S.S. Biswas (ed.) , KALA (Referred Journal of Indian Art History Congress), Vol. XXII, Assam, November-2017, pp.144-151.
2. “Mausima temple at Puri”, in Odisha Review, September-October issue, Odisha Government press; Cuttack, 2017, pp.68-70. 3. “Madhava Temple at Mudgala : A Study on Art and Architecture”, in Odisha Review, December issue, Odisha Government press; Cuttack, 2017, pp. 48-52. 4. “PanchuPandava Temple at Ambiligaon: A Sdudy on Art Architecture”, in Odisha Review, February-March issue, Odisha Government press; Cuttack, 2018, pp. 86-89. 5. “Lakshmi-Narasimha temple at Nuapatna : A Study on Art and Architecture”,inOdisha Review, June-July issue, Odisha Government Press; Cuttack, 2018, pp.130-134. 6. “Ganesha Images from the DvadasaSambhu Temples of Prachi Valley: A Recent Study”,in B.K. Mallick (ed.), Journal of Odishan History, Vol.XXX, December; 2017, pp. 80-88. 7. “Somanatha temple at Ghoradia”, in P. Mohapatra (ed.), Some Aspects of Odishan History,Bhanjanagar, 2017, pp.128-136 8. “Religious Traditions of Prachi Valley: An Overview”,in Proceedings of Orissa History Congress, Vol. XXXVIII Annual Session, 2017, pp. 110-118. 9. “Svapnesvara Temple at Adaspur : A Stud on Art and Architecture”, in Koshala-X (Referred Journal), Raipur, October-2017, pp.125-128. 10. “Rama-Chandi Temple at Puri:A Study on Art and Architecture”, in Odisha Review, September-October issue, Odisha Government press; Cuttack, 2018, pp 53-56. 11. “Religious Beliefs and Practices of the Primitive Tribal Groups of Odisha With Special Reference to the Lodhas of Mayurbhanj”, in S.C. Barik(ed.), Journal of Odishan History, Vol. XXXI, December; 2018,pp.83-91. 12. “Parvati Images From the DvadasaSambhu Temples of Prachi Valley: A Recent Study”, in Koshala-XI(Referred Journal), Raipur, 2018. (The Journal has not reached to me) 13. “Presiding Deity Images From the Shakta Temples of Prachi Valley in Odisha : A Recent Study”, in U.C. Dwivedi (ed.) , KALA(Referred Journal),Vol.XXIII, Assam, 2017-18, pp. ( the copy of journal has not reached) 14. “Aisanesvara Temple at Baligotha: A Study on Art and Architecture” in Proceedings of Orissa History Congress, 39th Annual Session, 2018, pp.36-42. ISSN 15. “ Economic Subsistence of the Primitive Tribal Groups of Odisha with Special Reference to the Lodha Tribe of Mayurbhanj”, in R. Mohapatra (ed.), History, Origin And Development Of Primitive Tribal Groups In Odisha, ( Proceedings of National Seminar dated-12.01.2018 ), Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences, Bhubaneswar, 2019, pp. 149-156. 16. “Political Organization of the Lodha Tribe of Odisha: A Case Study of Mayurbhanj” in L.Mohanty (ed.),Tribal Administration and Governance, ( Proceedingsof National Seminar dated-3rd March, 2018, Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences, Bhubaneswar, 2019, pp.1-6. 17. “Ganesha Temples at the Jagannatha Temple Complex of Puri: A Recent Study” , in Odisha Review, June Issue, Odisha Government Press; Cuttack, 2019, pp.38ff. 18. Kartikeya Images from the Dvadasa Sambhu Temples of Prachi Valley in Odisha : A Recent Study”, in A.K. Pradhan (ed.), ASOKASHREE Studies in History, Culture, Art, Architecture & Archaeology ( A Felicitation Volume in the Honour of Prof. A. N. Parida) , 2019, pp.774ff. (The book is not released) 19. “Primal Religion of Wolaitta in African Context”, in Journal of International Multidisciplinary Conference (SCOPUS Index Journal), 2019. It will be published by Globally Multidisciplinary Research and Education Association. This is a joint paper and it is accepted by the Team of Editorial-in –Chief of the said Journal on 23rd April, 2019(Paper ID is SEMAM- 329)( Accepted Paper) 20. “Narasimha Images from the Vaishnavite Temples of Prachi Valley in Odisha: A Recent Study”, in A.K. Singh (ed.) , Puranveshana, Jiwaji University, Gwalior, 2019. (The paper is accepted and included in the recent Volume by the Chief Editor) |
Dr. Krupasindhu Nayak |
Ms.Disha Bhatt |
Dr. Ratnaprava Parija | Management Role Models in Fairy Tells, Research Chronicler, Special Issue 1, Vol.VI, PP:114-118, July 2018. |
Dr. Sishir Kumar Tripathy |
Dr. Susanta K Mohapatra |
Mrs. Pankajini Tripathy | A Note on Generalised Indexed Norlund Summbility Factor, Journal of Analysis and Applications, Vol.17, No.1, PP:51-64, 2019. |
Dr. Rashmita Tripathy |
Ms. Sanjeeta Kumari Devi |
Dr. Liji Panda and Dr. S.Panda | 1. CSR is Nothing More than Public Relation: A Study on NALCO and MCL Companies, International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (Bimonthly), Vol.8, PP:82-87, Special Issue (2), 2018, UGC Approved Journal No.46964.
2. Environmental Accounting as a Pillar of Corporate Social Responsibility and Disclosure: A study on Selected Indian Companies, Desh Vikas Journal, Vol.5., Issue-1,PP:83-93, ISSN:2394-1782, April 2018, UGC approved Journal No.44701. 3. Problems and Prospects of Handloom Industry in India: An Analysis from Make in India Campaign, Splint International Journal of Professionals, Listed in Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, Vol.V, Issue-4, PP:79-85, ISSN:2349-6045, December 2018. 4. Impact of Industrialization and Modernisation on Tribal Religious, Customs and Traditions: A Case Study of Kalinga Nagar, Odisha, Bimonthly Internationally referred Journal, Jamshedpur Research Review, Vol.III, Issue.XXVII, PP:119-125, September, 2017, UGC Approved Journal No.45297 |
Dr. S. Panda, Hansdah K., Nayakam R.,and Naik B. | Implementation of International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) as an Ind-AS in India: Prospects and Challenges” Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, Bi-Monthly, ISSN 2249-9598, Vol-09, April 2019 Special Issue (01), PP 116-129. UGC approved journal no.46964. |
Dr. Pramodini Jena | 1. Mayadhara Maansingh kan kabitare Gandhiji, Kavyaloka, Vol.17, ISSN 2349-0160, 2019.
2. SrikhetraShabdabaliekadrushtipata, EkaAjaya, Vol.1. BijayaniPrakashan Sankarpur, Cuttack, ISBN 2840-0265. Folklore: A Major way to promote Indian cultural Tourism, Literia: Special issue on Folklore, Vol.8, ISSN 2229-4600, Bahri Publications, New Delhi, 2018. |
Dr. Nupur Moni Das | 1. Competency and Efficacy of Commodity Futures Market: Dissection of Price Discovery, volatility and hedging(co-authored), Accepted for IIMB Management Review, 2018 (Elsevier, Scopus, ABDC-B);
2. Volatility spillover effect in commodity derivatives Market: empirical evidence through Generalized Impulse Response Function (co-authored), Vision: The Business Perspective, 2018, Sage- Scopus. 3. A Statistical Re-assessment of Capital Adequacy and Insolvency Risk in Commercial Banks of India(co- authored), Current Issues in Economy and Finance of India, ICEF Conference Proceedings, 105-118, Springer. 4. Regulatory Capital and its impact on credit risk: The case of Indian Commercial Banks (co- authored), IUP Journal of Bank Management, UGC indexed, 2017 5. Banking Sector Reforms in India: Assessing the Capital Adequacy Norms (co-authored), Financial Reforms in India: Post liberalization experience (edited book). 6. Functional Effectiveness of Commodity Futures Market: A Comparative Assessment of Agriculture & Metal Commodities, Accepted for Financial Innovation, 2019, Springer-Scopus. |
Ms Ankita Rath | 1. Assessment of Zoo Visitors Satisfaction at Nandankan Zoological Park Odisha, Odisha Journal of Commerce, Vol.XXXVIII No.3. PP:24-31, 2017, ISSN:0974-8482 |
Mr. Kamal Prasad Mohanty | 1. Revisit the History of Medical Education System of Odisha(1936-47):Some Reflection, Odisha History Congress Proceeding,, 2017
2. Transforming Ideas Colonial to Post Colonial: Health, Policies Issues and Challenges in Odisha, Odisha Historical Review, 2018 |
Dr. Trailokya Nath Parida | 1. Undertone of Humor and Satire: An Analysis of Chetan Bhagat’s Novel Half Girlfriend, Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, Vol.9, No.2, 2017.
2. The Depiction of Humor and Satire in Chetan Bhagat’s 2 States: The Story of My Marriage, Vol., No. 2017. |
Dr. Babita Das | 1. Perceived Causes and Treatments of Mental Illness: A Historical Review, IJRAR, Vol.6, Issue-1, February 2019.
2. Changing Patterns of Tribal Livelihoods: A Study in Mayurbhanj District of Odisha, Research Chronicler, Vol.VI, July 2018. 3. Misinterpretation of Quran in Relation to Women, The International Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.7, 2018. |
Dr. Rashmi Mohapatra | Evaluation of cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of PEG1500MS in Allium cepa and modulatory actions by Vitamin C, Published from Journal of Biotechnology, Vol 13, No.5, May 2018. |
Mrs. Manasi Chandra Nayak | Changes of Socio-Economic and Livelihoods of Paudi Bhuyan Tribal Community: A Case Study of Keonjhar district of Odisha, Research Chronicler, International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Vol.6., Special Issue-1, July 2018. PP:41-53 |
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